Knights of Columbus Council 9463 Uncategorized Supporting our Seminarians

Supporting our Seminarians


Each academic year, KofC Councils all over the world provide financial support to seminarians studying to become priests. One of the seminarians our council is supporting for 2022-2023 is Ottmar Tovar, a seminarian at Assumption Seminary in San Antonio.

Ottmar describes the start of his discernment process from his time as a young boy in Mexico:

I began to discover my vocation during my childhood in Mexico City, where I was inspired by the example of my first parish priest. The call remained and became clearer throughout the years, being later confirmed in the Shrine of Medjugorje through the loving intercession of Our Lady. I hope to be, by God’s grace and your prayers, a living reflection of Christ and an instrument of his mercy through the priestly ministry.

For more information on supporting our seminarians at Assumption Seminary, visit